[Industry 4] Testing cables and wire harnesses in the medical device industry

Concept of Testing & Inspection

Cable & harness testing requirements and features for medical machinery Industry

1. Overview

High quality testing is essential for medical device harnesses and cables. Catheter cables are special cables that are themselves medical devices and require rigorous testing. [Medical machinery examples] AED (Automated External Defibrillator), ECG harnesses, ventilators, X-ray machines diagnostic ultrasound equipment, massage chairs/nursing beds, Radiotherapy equipment, MRI testing equipment, centrifuges, and catheter cables.

2. Types of medical machinery harnesses

  • ・Medical equipment contains a variety of harnesses with ~200 points.
  • ・AEDs and other medical devices used for emergency life-saving need to safely control electric shocks. It is necessary to test whether the harness can withstand a voltage of 1000~2000V and its insulation is sufficient.
  • ・Catheter cables that are inserted into the human body for testing and treatment are also tested electrically.
    Because of the electrode part, fixtures and various fixtures are required for testing. Fixtures and various jigs are required for testing continuity at the electrode.

3. Testing cable & harness for medical machinery

  • ・Wiring and Resistance testing are conducted on harnesses in medical machinery. NMC+ series and NMA series are the most suitable models.
  • ・Wiring/Resistance/Withstand voltage/Insulation testing are conducted for high voltage devices such as AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators).
    NAC CORPORATION's standard products are capable of high voltage testing at 1000V. We have experience in 5000V high voltage testing with custom-made testers.
  • ・Catheter cables can be tested with standard harness testers.
    Wiring checks and resistance measurements are conducted with fixtures and short bars.
    Withstand voltage and insulation testing are conducted to determine if the product can withstand high voltages./br> Operational customization is also available, optimized for testing in bending conditions, etc.